woman in kitchen eating a salad

5 Reasons To Choose Everlywell Weight Care+

With so many options to choose from for healthcare support, it can be difficult to decide on which care platform or support team is best for you. Everlywell offers a Weight Care+ program that is unmatched in its care and comprehensive approach.

Why Choose Everlywell WC+

Several elements set Everlywell apart when choosing a platform that may work best for you. Some of the top reasons users enjoy Weight Care+ include:

  1. One-on-one clinical support. With our team of qualified healthcare professionals, you won't have to go on this journey alone. You'll get one-on-one guidance and care each step of the way.
  2. Glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) access via prescriptions from a healthcare provider. Our team will give you access to the right prescriptions for you. These can include standard GLP-1 meds in addition to more specific prescriptions, including compounded medication options.
  3. Prescriptions are personalized for you and your needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. This is important, as each person's situation is unique. Depending on other health factors, one prescription may work well for some people, while being inappropriate for others.
  4. Support for other weight-related conditions, such as prediabetes or high cholesterol, is provided. If this applies to you and your needs, these conditions will also be addressed as part of your care plan.
  5. At-home lab tests and supplements will be provided as needed. These tests are easy to take from the comfort of your home and will help support changes from a holistic and personalized standpoint. Results will be analyzed by a qualified healthcare provider and provided to you.

Why Choosing the Right Care Matters

When trying to lose weight and optimize your health, choosing the right kind of care matters. Research shows that several elements allow people to be successful with weight loss and improved health. Some of these strategies include behavior and lifestyle modifications.[1] While this path may ebb and flow for many people, it can be helpful for individuals to enlist in programs that have built-in buffers and support systems to help support health and wellness goals.

Changing behavior takes time and does not happen overnight, which is why choosing the right care platform like Everlywell is ideal. Some examples of behavior and lifestyle modifications that have proven effective in helping people lose weight include:[1]

  • Environmental management
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Nutrition education
  • Exercise education
  • Monitoring by healthcare providers
  • Pharmacological agents
  • Support

The Everlywell Weight Care+ program combines many of these elements, including one-on-one support with healthcare providers, personalized prescriptions, and general support.

Many people may have struggled with their weight and overall health for a long time. This can often lead to frustration, burnout, and a cyclic relationship with trying to optimize your health. Ending this cycle by choosing a platform that sets you up for success is imperative.

How Weight May Affect Other Health Conditions

For some people, gaining weight can be accompanied by other weight-related health conditions. Sometimes, weight gain can be associated with changes to blood sugar that are not helpful, potentially leading to the development of prediabetes.

Prediabetes is a condition in which an individual has impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance, which can lead to type II diabetes if not managed.[2] This means that the body has a harder time processing and digesting carbohydrates and then bringing blood sugar levels back down to a desired level. For some individuals, an increase in body fat mass can lead to changes in blood sugar that could precede prediabetes or type II diabetes. If your blood sugar levels have started to trend upward and this is accompanied by weight that you would like to lose, both concerns can be addressed and should be monitored by a qualified healthcare provider.

In addition, an unwanted increase in body fat percentage may also affect your heart health. There is some research to indicate that those who have higher fat mass percentages are at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease and changes to low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is the non-helpful type of cholesterol in the body.[3] The reasons for this relationship seem to involve:

  • Increases in the general circulating lipoproteins in the body, including triglycerides
  • Lower levels of the helpful cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
  • Impaired function of HDL
  • Changes to the function of LDL, making it more dangerous

It is important to note that while higher levels of body fat may not directly be linked to higher levels of LDL, higher levels of body fat are thought to be linked to functional, dangerous changes to LDL. These changes make LDL more harmful to the arteries in the body, increasing the overall risk of a cardiac event like a heart attack or stroke. This is thought to be due to the increase in inflammation that can occur, as well as elevated levels of oxidation in the body. [3]

If you want to address any health-related conditions that arise because of weight gain, consider consulting a qualified healthcare provider.

Take Control of Your Health With Everlywell Weight Care+

Whether you want to optimize body composition or are dealing with other weight-related health conditions, Everlywell's Weight Care+ program can help. With so many options, it can be difficult to find credible, comprehensive platforms to help you support your goals. Take the guesswork out of this process today with Everlywell.

  1. National Academies Press (US). Weight-Loss and maintenance strategies. Weight Management - NCBI Bookshelf. Published 2004. Accessed August 25, 2024. Medical Citation URL.
  2. Hommos NAA, Ebenibo S, Edeoga C, Dagogo-Jack S. Trajectories of body weight and fat mass in relation to incident prediabetes in a biracial cohort of Free-Living adults. Journal of the Endocrine Society. 2020;5(2). doi:10.1210/jendso/bvaa164. Accessed August 25, 2024. Medical Citation URL.
  3. Jayaraman S, Pérez A, Miñambres I, Sánchez-Quesada JL, Gursky O. LDL binding to cell receptors and extracellular matrix is proatherogenic in obesity but improves after bariatric surgery. Journal of Lipid Research. 2023;64(11):100451. doi:10.1016/j.jlr.2023.100451. Accessed August 25, 2024. Medical Citation URL.
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